60th Birthday Celebration!

It’s official – I’m 60 years old!
I’ve been reflective this year and feeling very grateful. Grateful for so many friends and family who love me even on my worse days and grateful for all of you who have been part of my Enchanted Sugar journey.
I think of my life in two parts – Before Cancer and After Cancer, because breast cancer put me on a journey I never would have gone without having survived it. I started a new company at 54 years old with no prior experience in making a product.
People always ask me why did you start your business? I got breast cancer and started throwing everything in my home away that had chemicals, especially my skincare products. Then I started making my own sugar scrubs and balms with ingredients I could pronounce.
I missed my candles so I spent six months researching the candle industry before I poured my first candle. Who knew I would fall in love with the process of creating candle fragrances, but that is what happened. I studied how the French made candles because they applied the art of perfumery to create incredibly fragrant candles.
Enchanted Sugar candles are made with 100% American-grown soy wax. Period. It’s a temperamental wax, it does not like the extreme heat and we can’t participate in many outdoor events when the heat rises above 85 degrees. I don’t use candle wax blends like coconut and soy wax because coconut wax is a soft wax that needs paraffin wax or chemical additives to keep the candle hard. A more expensive candle does not equal a better candle.
I am grateful for Sean Wells who generously offered to create a Dia de Los Muertos candle label and Sarah of SW Sunflower Pottery who created our first Artisan Vessel three years ago. Their generosity inspired collaborations with other local artists to create original art for Enchanted Sugar labels and beautiful Artisan Vessels with local potters Emma Lujan and Hanselman Pottery. Collaborations have always been at the heart of Enchanted Sugar and I am deeply grateful for them.
I am grateful for the support of the locally-owned stores that carry my candles. When local stores carry locally made products, we are helping each other not only survive but thrive. Show some local love by visiting The Breaking Bad Store, Casa Verde Salon & Spa, Celina's Biscochitos, Lilly Barack, Retail Therapy, Jezebel's Gallery, Teca Tu, Santa Fe Gourmet & Gifts, and Michelle’s Beach. Thank you!
The day that Whole Foods invited me into their NM stores was a momentous day for my little company. The team that sells my candles are gracious, generous, and patient. They have taught me so much and I am grateful for all their efforts on my behalf. When you walk into Whole Foods take a look around and look for the Love Local signs, those signs are promoting local growers and makers.
The Enchanted Sugar store is located in the Cottonwood Mall and it is filled with over 100 amazingly brilliant artists from all over New Mexico. Painters, wood workers, skincare makers, apparel and hat designers, metal and jewelry artists, together we have a created a space where our customers support a New Mexico artist with every purchase. They inspire me every day and I am grateful for each and every one of them.
I am most grateful for my team that makes all things possible and tolerates all the candle madness. Brittney, Jennifer, and Jesse, thank you for the infinite amount of patience you give me, especially when I behave like a mad scientist. Without all of your efforts nothing is possible!
When I went off to college my dad told me three things - work harder than everyone else, always tell the truth, and treat everyone the way you would want to be treated. His advice is something I have always followed and I try to do my best every day. I haven’t done everything right and sometimes I speak when I should listen, but I always come to the table with an open mind and heart.
Who knew I was meant to be a candlemaker, and yet I am. This year we will expand to other states and work towards creating our 100,000th candle, thank you for staying enchanted, the best is yet to come!
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